Die InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) erwirbt 51 Prozent der Anteile an Regent Hotels and Resorts ("Regent") für 39 Millionen US-Dollar. Die IHG kann zudem ab 2026 auch die verbleibenden 49 Prozent schrittweise erwerben.
IHG wird Regent als das Top-Luxussegment in sein Markenportfolio einbringen und will die Marke von derzeit sechs Häuser auf über 40 Hotels auszubauen. Die Übernahme von Regent ist Teil einer neuen Strategie, das schnell wachsende Luxussegment weiter auszubauen.
Das InterContinental Hong Kong soll nach einer umfassenden Renovierung, die Anfang 2020 beginnen soll, Anfang 2021 ein Regent Hotel werden. Derzeit gehören das Regent Berlin und die Häuser in Peking, Singapur, Taipeh, Chongqing und Porto Montenegro dazu. Drei weitere Hotels in Jakarta, Harbin und Phu Quoc sind in Planung.
Keith Barr, Chief Executive Officer of IHG: "IHG is already one of the world leaders in luxury with our InterContinental Hotels and Resorts brand, but we see significant potential to further develop our global footprint in the fast-growing luxury segment. As one of the pioneers in defining luxury hotels both in Asia and around the world, Regent is an excellent addition to IHG's portfolio of brands. We see a real opportunity to unlock Regent's enormous potential and accelerate its growth globally. In addition, by creating a dedicated luxury division, we will be bringing together some of the most experienced and respected people in the industry who will help drive our luxury offer, ensuring that our existing luxury brands continue to evolve and allowing us to bring in new brands such as Regent to enhance our brand portfolio."
Steven Pan, Executive Chairman of Formosa International Hotels Corporation: "Regent was founded by legendary hotelier Robert H. Burns, who sought to combine Asian hospitality and Western elegance to create a leading luxury hotel brand. The brand has an unrivalled heritage at the very top end of the luxury segment and the flagship Regent Hong Kong was consistently voted the world's best hotel in the 1980's and 1990's. Returning the property to its original roots as a Regent hotel is symbolic of our ambition to return the brand to its former glory and will go down in history as one of the greatest brand comebacks in the hotel industry. IHG shares our vision for the brand and has the ability to make our ambition a reality. IHG has a deep understanding of how to protect what makes the Regent brand so unique and special, whilst at the same time ensuring that the brand can grow and thrive on a global scale."