Von Nikolas Rechenberg
Lenz M. Moser ist als Chief Winemaker von CHATEAU CHANGYU MOSER XV seit dem Jahrgang 2015 in Ningxia für die Weine verantwortlich. Verschiedene Jahrgänge konnten wir im Hamburger Park Hyatt verkosten, dazu Benchmarkweine im internationalen Kontext.
Einen Überblick über den China-Weinmarkt und dessen Aussichten im In- und Ausland gab Frank Kämmer. Als Global Master Sommelier Changyu führte er mit einem exzellenten Vortrag professionell durch die Weinwelt Chinas.
Bereits mehrfach hatte ich das Vergnügen, zusammen mit Lenz Moser seine Weine zu verkosten, so in den vergangenen sechs Jahren in der Chinesischen Botschaft und im Restaurant Hot Spot in Berlin. Diesmal fiel mir vor allem der Qualitätssprung auf, die Entwicklung der Weine von Chateau Changyu Moser XV zeigt rasant nach oben.
Hintergrund: Die exklusive Reise der GOURMETWELTEN nach Changyu
Verkostung Chateau Changyu Moser XV:
Moser XV Italian Riesling (Welschriesling) 2016 - klare Frucht, im Abgang etwas bitter, schöner Terrassenwein
Moser XV White Cabernet Sauvignon Blanc de Noir 2016 - Stachelbeere, Bonbon, frecher Wein für die Party
Moser XV Cabernet Sauvignon 2015 - Dunkel, Leder, Tabak, sehr männlich
Moser Family, Second Vin, Red 2013 - Leder pur, Röstaromen, adstringierend
Moser Family Second Vin Red 2015 - tolle Tanine, Potential, sehr schöner Wein!
Der Vergleich zum Chateau Phelan Segur 2014 passt zu den beiden Roten, das ist durchaus eine Klasse in der Verkostung.
Chateau Changyu Moser XV 2013 - robust, direkt, bäuerlicher Charme
Chateau Changyu Moser XV 2015 - harmonische Frucht, elegantes Bitter-Schoko, tolle Tanine, gut eingebunden, große Würze und Balance, der beste Wein aus China, den ich bisher verkostet habe (locker 93+ Punkte)
Zum Vergleich dazu der Sena aus 2014, ein sehr guter internationaler Wein, der dem 13er zwar zeigte, wo der Hammer hängt, gegen den 15er aber blass aussah - was für eine Entwicklung in Ningxia!
Wer die Weine von Chateau Changyu Moser XV probieren will, findet sie auf der kommenden ProWein oder auf genuss7.de
Fakten zu Chateau Changyu Moser XV:
Lenz M. Moser V represents the fifteenth generation of the famous Austrian Moser winemaker family. He is chief winemaker of the château and frequently travels to China to exchange know-how - focussing on vineyard management and winemaking. By spending the entire harvest period in Ningxia, the vintages since 2015 have been closely supervised by him in terms of growing, aging and blending.
Following two intensive years of construction, Chateau Changyu Moser XV was officially opened on August 18th, 2013 near Yinchuan, the capital city of the province of Ningxia. Changyu has invested the equivalent of 70 million euros in the château's construction, which houses an impressive 1,500 barrique cellar as well as high-tech winemaking equipment including the bottling line. Every stage of wine production takes place at the château: viticulture, pressing, fermentation, maturation in the barrique cellar and bottling. There is also a museum in the château that illustrates both the history of Chinese winemaking and the history of Changyu from its foundation in 1892.
As the very first winery in China Changyu Pioneer was founded in 1892 by Zhang Bishi, an overseas Chinese diplomat. He decided to start his pioneering winery in Yantai and named it "Zhang Yu Wine Company". He imported more than 500,000 vine plants from the U.S. and from Europe and thus paved the way for modern Chinese wine production, supported by an Austrian viticulturist: August Wilhelm Baron von Babo, the first winemaker of Changyu.
After more than 125 years of growth, today Changyu is a group with international shareholders like ILLVA (Italy, Amaretto di Saronno) and IFC (International Finance Corporation, USA), owning and operating eight châteaux and wineries throughout China. Its portfolio includes wine, brandy, sparkling wine and healthy liquor and is well received in over 20 countries. Changyu is also the largest wine producer in China.
In 2018, Changyu will unveil the Changyu International Wine R&D Center project, which will include research and the development and production of wine, brandy, health liquor and sparkling wine. It also focuses on ecological tourism and culture display.
Chateau Changyu Moser XV
• is located in Ningxia/China, the new hot spot wine region in Asia. The region has all the credentials at 1,100 meters of altitude, with cool nights and more than 3,000 hours of sunshine per year, thus preserving the freshness of its predominantly Cabernet Sauvignon wines.
• belongs to the Changyu wine empire, yet, it is separately managed
• is a close cooperation between China's best winemaking talents and the pioneering spirit of the Lenz Moser Family
• MOSER XV Cabernet Sauvignon Blanc de noir is a first in China and a global innovation.